So, again I haven't done much in game. On Sunday we killed Xol again and this time we even got the hands! I was so happy our LS finally got a drop from him, even though I didn't get to lot. I took this screenshot before our leader kindly reminded me that Xol will also charm people outside the alliance and I'd better pull back if I don't want them to kill me. ^^;

I did the new in game event too. Unfortunately, most people in our LS had done it already so we couldn't do it together. But well, it was fun and easy, and the new furniture is nice!

Yesterday I did a nice BCNM run (Royal Jelly) with Buttons and Shokun. Our setup was BRD/WHM (me), SAM/DNC (Shokun) and SAM/WAR (Buttons). The BCNM was again easy and the drops were nice for me and Buttons. Unfortunately, Shokun didn't get much anything. My treasure pool looked like this:

Not a bad way to spend 40 BS. ^^
About a week ago I read the Pikko Pots gardening site and decided to do a few gardening experiments myself. At the moment I have 30 brass flowerpots (10 on each of the characters on this account). On 20 pots I'm growing Wildgrass Seeds and on 10 pots I'm doing experiments with some Tree Cuttings and Cactus Stems I've farmed or quested.
Today is the harvest day for the Wildgrass Seeds, so I'm excited to see how much gil I can make with them. I've also put the first crystals on the Tree Cuttings and Cactus Stems so they are growing well too.

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