I read Tuufless' Goldsmithing Blog and got inspiration to start leveling Goldsmithing. I don't have any crafts leveled and I'm really not a patient person so we'll see how it goes. I've leveled Goldsmithing a bit before, very slowly, because I've wanted to stay on profit while skilling up.
At the moment, my Goldsmithing is level 36.2, so I'm on Mythril stage, and making profit while skilling up isn't so easy anymore. I've synthed Myhril ingots which have costed me around 4-5K/ingot while an ingot is worth 6-7K in AH. The thing is, I can't sell the ingots I've synthed back to AH because I'll need them for my next skillup recipes.
So, to make leveling Goldsmithing a bit cheaper for myself, I decided to try to mine and farm some Mythril Ores myself.
The first thing I tried was farming in Palborough Mines.

But well, since Mythril Ores are the most expensive thing you can mine there, I didn't find the place worth the time I spent there.
Then I checked wiki to see which mobs dropped Mythril Ore. The higher level worms in King Ranperre's Tomb where on the list and wiki claimed they also drop zinc, silver, iron and gold ore. There were also 28 pops of them and they had a short respawn time so it seemed like a perfect place to start farming.

Well, long story short, I spent over two hours there and all I got was Copper ores and Flint Stones...
I decided not to give up just yet. This morning I decided to try Fei'Yin and the Ore Golems there. Those actually had a decent drop rate on Mythril Ores and while I was farming them, I also killed the dolls and pots there. After a few hours I had capped the exp on my MNK, got almost one full level of Goldsmithing and got items worth around 41K. Not a bad way to level a crafth, although a slow one.

At the moment my goal is to get Goldsmithing to 60. After that, I may try some other crafts and then decide which one (if any) to take to 100.
Exping and skilling up my PUP
I have this sort of an obsession of keeping the EXP capped on all my 75s. At the moment I've succeeded to do that on both MNK and BRD but not on my PUP. I need around 30K exp to get a full buffer for it and that can be easily done in Campaign.
But, Comedie (my automaton) also needs some serious skilling up... At the moment her skill levels are:
* Magic 267/276
* Ranged 246/269
* Melee 225/269
So there's a lot of work to be done, and at the moment I have little to no idea how to get her skills up. Well, magic is easy since automaton gets nice magic skillups from healing... But the rest will be a pain, I'm afraid.
At the moment, I don't really have many merits... So I should work on them, too. These are my current plans for Job spesific merits:
Group 1:
* I have no idea!
Group 2:
* Penance: 4 upgrades (0 done)
* Invigorate: 5 upgrades (1 done)
* Formless Strikes: 1 upgrade (done)
Group 1:
* Minuet effect: 5 upgrades (1 done)
* Madrigal effect: 5 upgrades (1 done)
Group 2:
* Nightingale: 1 upgrade (done)
* Troubadour: 1 upgrade (done)
Group 1:
* Automaton Magic Skill: 5 upgrades (0 done)
Group 2:
* Role Reversal: 1 upgrade (0 done)
* Ventriloquy: 1 upgrade (0 done)
* Fine-Tuning: 3 upgrades (0 done)
* Optimization: 5 upgrades (0 done)
That'll give me something to do for a while...
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