Then I had to log out for a few hours to go to my first ever iaido practice! I was really excited and scared at the same time... There were about 10 of us newbies, and also two older iaidokas training there and then of course our teacher. All the others were men.
We were given wooden katana swords, bokkens, and the training began. It was a lot more difficult and tiring than I had expected. Also, the instructor kept coming to check my position, my movements, the position of my hands and so on much more than he checked the others, which made me nervous. After the training my every muscle and my knees hurted like hell and I felt I was unable to walk to the bus stop to get home. And then the instructor told us that it would be good if we could make it to practices 5 days in a week! Some of our practices are from 6.30 AM to 7.30 AM, and I'm actually thinking about trying them. That would be an interesting start for a day.
Anyway, I liked iaido a lot. I hope I'll have the energy to continue practicing it and maybe some day I'll be as cool as these guys:

When I logged back to the game later on Saturday evening, we decided to start a little LS merit party. All the best camps were taken (again!) so we ended up in the mire. I really didn't feel very focused, but well, we all got at least some EXP before we decided to go do the Promyvion-Mea and the ENM in there for one of our members.

The promy boss and the ENM went ok. The way to the top wasn't as easy as it usually is, though, as two of us got aggro on the third floor and two people died. But well, all got their EXP back and more when we did the two fights in the spire. ENM drops were only worth 20K, but well, that's always better than nothing.

I also got the key item Mea Silver for the quest Shadows of the departed. Only Holla to go now!

On Sunday I decided to change my characters face again. Evyen now looks like this:

Red hair and green eyes. <3
Our afternoon events started with ENM. And for the first time ever (for me), something really nice dropped!

The best part was that the drop went to my really close friend Shokun who has been wanting that for ages! Congratulations!
After the ENM we did Einherjar. There were skeletons and vamouras and the boss was like Kirin. I was there as bard for the first time and didn't die once! I subbed NIN which actually saved my life. We won the chamber, grats us! No abj. drop though, unfortunately.

We decided to face our worst enemy, Bahamut v. 2 again. Sun was shining on Riverne Site B and we all felt warm and fuzzy. Well, at least I did, sitting under a tree with my friend:

I was, again, for the first time, facing Bahamut as Bard. My job was very simple: Soul Voice, Double minuet on three parties and then spam Finale on Bahamut. I also kept barfira up on my party just in case... And this time, finally, after a few failed runs, we took him down! Good job, everyone!

Our leader seemed to feel like testing our luck even more, because after Bahamut, we headed to Sea to pop Jailer of Prudence, which we had only tried once before and wiped. After experiencing a few horrible deaths and desperate situations, we managed to take him down, too. A good day for Europa, I'd say!

Then was the time for me to head to Bastok for Dynamis. On my way there, I picked up something nice for myself:

Dynamis run went really well. It seemed that all the problems had really been solved, and the atmosphere was a lot better. I actually enjoyed the run very much. We tried a new strategy, which worked really well. Drops were nice too.
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