Unfortunately, I can't sell the ingots for profit, because I need them for my next stage. Mythril Earrings cap at level 42, and I have ingredients for 36 synths of those. After that, I move on to Reraise Earrings, which cap at level 45, and which I can sell in AH for profit. I hope this plan works and everything will go well.
Yesterday I spent a lot of time playing. First when I logged in, I helped a LS friend with his Rank 3 mission dragon fight. After that I went to Sky for some automaton skillups. I used the Sharpshot frame and capped Comedies melee skill at 230 (for that frame) and got automaton archery up to level 254, which is the cap for level 72. I still have 15 levels to go with automaton archery, and I need to find a way to get them, since mobs are becoming a bit tough at these levels.
Anyway, I enjoyed spending time in Sky, it was as pretty as always:

Yesterday evening we had a LS event (Sky farming) and Einherjar. Because we don't have that many people in Europa atm, our leader decided to do a new LS for Einherjar. It was a nice solution because now we can invite our friends outside Europa to join our runs. We've now had 2 runs with this new LS and we've won them both easily. Yesterday was our last run in the first wing and Sunday we'll move on to second.

After the Halloween event we had in our sosial LS last Saturday, we visited each others Mog Houses, and that made me want to continue decorating mine. At the moment I really have no idea what to do with it. Anyway, here are some pictures from Mog House.
My sleeping space:

This is the area I'm most happy with at the moment.
My dining space:

That table needs something, but I have no idea what... Also, I'd like to get another table maybe, I really don't like that one that much.
My ummm...... horn space?

This is the area between my sleeping space and my dining space.
My tea corner:

Some day, this will be a pretty area for serving tea and cookies for my friends.
254 I found it was easiest to just get a merit party on birds and let Quirk run wild in sharpshot form. Its pretty fast, and more worth it than going to Besieged and hoping it goes up in there.
And grats on 39 GS :o
Thank you for your comment Dantpup! :)
I think merit party might be a good idea... Maybe I'll gather some LS friends together and we can do a nice colibri party. And you're right about Besieged... I like doing it and try to be there every time it happens but the skillup rate there is quite low at this level. Last time I got two 0.1 skillups, and it would take me forever to cap my skill that way.
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