Saturday, 18 October 2008

The Apprentice

I had a very bad morning today... I overslept, missing a lecture, and when I finally woke up (at 1 PM), I realized I had forgotten to sign up to exam I was supposed to have on Monday... So I've been kinda grumpy the whole day. I'm also a bit ill which has made my day even worse. It seems that when things start to go bad, everything will go bad eventually.

Luckily my in game morning was a bit better than my RL one. When I logged in, I decided to get my next Goldsmithing guild rank item, which was Ghain Gorget. There was none for sale in AH but I synthed it myself, only costed 12K. So now I'm finally an Apprentice goldsmither, yay! And by the way...

For a minute I didn't know what was going on when I entered the guild and saw this:

But then I realized the halloween event had already started today. I haven't read anything about the event yet but we'll do it tomorrow with our linkshell. I'm sure it'll be fun. ^^

After visiting the guild I decided to go farm some Mythril Ores. I recently finally got my THF on level 15 for TH (I know I should take it to 37) and I decided to go as MNK/THF. That really seemed to increase the drop rates and I got some very nice skillups there. My Goldsmithing skill is now 38.6, so only 1.4 levels to go with this synth. My NPC also dinged 36 while farming there. I wonder if I should change her weapon soon...

I stopped farming when the day turned to Windsday and went to check on my choco. She's 12 days old now and has excactly the same stats she had on my last post, except that her Discernment is now "Substandard". I decided to name her Wild Rhapsody, somehow I felt that name would suit her.

This evening we had a ZNM run. It was a very good run and for once we were on time. We popped 2 x Verdelet, 2 x Iriz Ima, Armed Gears, 2 x Chamrosh (one of them mine) and Dea.

This last ZNM pic is our whole alliance smacking down the one poor Red Mage who didn't stay in Charm range... He died twice.

We did Dea last and I asked if I could come there as PUP. I've been there many times as BRD and felt really bored, frustrated and useless trying to run behind PLDs who can't stay still for 5 seconds for me to sing for them. But oh well, the PLD wanted me there as BRD so BRD I was. I don't mind using a job if I know it's useful for the group, but in that case I just felt useless. Again. And I don't like it. But oh well, can't win every time. Anyway, Dea dropped a pair of Oracles Pigaches, which I've wanted for a long time. They went to free lot, and I was the only one who wanted them! Lucky me! ^^

And here's a pretty pic of Al Zahbi (yes, it's there... keep looking):

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