From some reason I got an idea to organize Zilart Mission for Secret Fellowship members so that everyone 70ish+ level there would get Sky access. We started from ZM4 (the tonberry fight) on Monday and did it again on Tuesday. Now I have 6 people who actually need the missions so I'll have to kick myself out from the static... Anyway, I'm guiding them with rest of the missions this Saturday, so they should have Sky in the end of the week.

On Monday we also kicked Ultimas ass again. Was a nice fight, only deaths came in the end when we zerged it and it decided to go BOOM. Head and hands dropped, I think (I really don't care much about Ultima/Omega drops since I don't have any jobs to use them).

I started synthing the Reraise earrings, and for now it has gone pretty well. I've had 2 synthing sessions with them:
First session
Time: Lightsday, Waning crescent 14%
Starting skill: 41.1 (synth cap 45)
Free synthesis image support
1. 0.1 skillup, success
2. 0.1 skillup, success
3. 0.1 skillup, success
4. success
5. 0.2 skillup, success
6. success
7. success
8. 0.1 skillup, success
9. 0.1 skillup, success
10. 0.1 skillup, success
11. 0.1 skillup, fail, full break
DING Goldsmithing 42!
Ending skill: 42
Success rate: 10/11
On the following day, after I had sold most of the earrings synthed in the first session, I decided to have another try.
Second session
Time: Darksday, First quarter moon 45%
Starting skill: 42 (synth cap 45)
1. 0.1 skillup, success
2. fail (lost 1 ingot of vivified mythril)
3. 0.1 skillup, fail (lost crystal)
4. success
After 2/4 breaks I decided to get free synthesis image support again, and did the rest of the synths with that:
5. success
6. 0.2 skillup, success
7. success
8. 0.1 skillup, success
9. success
10. 0.1 skillup, success
Ending skill: 42.6
Success rate: 8/10
I'm doing pretty nice money with these earrings at the moment. They sell fast in AH and I've also sold some for LS members for a lower price. I still have 8 earrings unsold, but I couldn't synth more anyway because there isn't any Vivified Mythril in AH.
Actually, I've been thinking about starting to synth the Vivified Mythril myself. For that I'd need "Gold Purification" Guild Point item, which isn't really hard to get (40K GP). A bigger problem is, the recipe requires animas, which require Alchemy skill 75 or something and an Alchemy GP item Anima Synthesis. Well, my husband has a mule with Alchemy skill 60+, so that shouldn't be a problem. We'll see.
Yesterday we decided to go duo a bit with my friend Pythean. He had a PLD level 20 and I had a RMD level 22 so we went to Korroloka tunnel and killed some worms. Later another LS friend Zaonic joined us, it was fun.

In the evening we did a bit Sky farming and Einherjar. We tried the second wing for the first time and the time ran out when the boss was around 30%. Not bad for a first try, in my opinion.

A couple of pretty landscape pics from Beaucedine:

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