In game I've done some Goldsmithing. On Friday I decided to start with the Mythril Earrings. I did 12 synths before and 12 synths after the JP midnight.

First 12 synths:
Time: Lightningsday, New Moon 7%
Starting skill: 39 (synth cap 42)
1. 0.1 skillup, success
2. 0.1 skillup, fail (lost 1 ingot)
3. success
4. success
5. fail (lost 2 ingot)
6. 0.2 skillup, success
7. 0.1 skillup, success
8. success
9. success
10. success
11. success
12. success
Ending skill: 39.5
Success rate: 10/12
Next 12 synths:
Time: Watersday, New Moon 5%
Starting skill: 39.5 (synth cap 42)
1. 0.1 skillup, success
2. success
3. 0.1 skillup, success
4. success
5. success
6. success
7. 0.2 skillup, success
8. 0.1 skillup, success
DING Goldsmithing 40!
9. success
10. success
11. 0.2 skillup, success
12. success
Ending skill: 40.2
Success rate: 12/12
I have ingots for 12 more Mythril Earring synths, but I doubt they will take me even to skill level 41. The next synth on my plan is Reraise Earring which caps at level 45, but it's quite expensive so I'm not sure if I want to move on to that yet. Well, I'll synth the rest of the earrings and think about it then I guess.
On Thursday I helped my husband camp Sewer Syrup for Jelly Ring for his PLD. I went there as PUP/NIN and my husband was PLD/WHM. I seriously underestimated this NM and we wiped after a very unfortunate blood aggro. Well, a LS friend came to help us as MNK/WAR, we recovered and tried again. And wiped. Our friend just took too much damage as /WAR and we couldn't keep him alive. That time we also got some nasty links. Finally, we did a quick job change and decided to try it one more time. My husband stayed as PLD/WHM, but I changed to MNK/NIN and our LS friend changed to /DNC. We killed the thing and the ring dropped!

On Friday we had a ZNM run which was a bit of a disaster. No one really focused on the run, me neither, because my family was here and I was just busy to end the run to watch a movie with them... I apologized from our leader later, I should've either just focus on the run or not attend at all. Anyway, we killed this NM I hadn't fought before:

And I took a pretty pic from Mount Zhayolm:

Yesterday I helped the Secret Fellowships CoP static with mission 3-3. We killed the Antlion NM and climbed the mountain in Attohwa Chasm. It was fun, no one even fell down on the way up!
After that I did ENM with Europa. We got lucky and got Haguns from 2 of the 3 runs! Then we went to Sky. We killed Zip, popped a few Olla, Genbu and Suzaku.

We did a first wing Einherjar again to get second wing access for some members. We won again, but it was a bit messy. Second wing on Wednesday!
Also, my chocobo chick WildRhapsody has grown to a young chocobo. All the color tricks I tried on her unfortunately failed, but I'm still trying to grow a nice digger choco of her.

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