Friday, 29 August 2008

Avoiding cleaning up

I've been a bit busy with the thing called "real life" lately. Some of my university studies and my new hobby iaido start next week and I'm really excited! Also, I've done some serious shopping this week and tried to clean up our home a bit because my sister and his boyfriend are coming to visit us today. Yesterday I got to know that I passed my last exam of philosophy in the university! That means I need to do only my exams of Swedish to get my BA diploma.

I haven't got any great achievements in game lately. I opened Summoner and tried it for a few levels. I don't think I'll ever take it to 75, but I think I could level it every once in a while for fun. For some reason, I like all the pet jobs in game, but I don't think any of them can be as close to my heart as Puppetmaster (speaking of which, I just dinged 74 on it yesterday!). I think I like PUP so much because it's so challenging. It's probably the most difficult (and expensive) job in game to make effective, and it's also a very versatile job.

Our HNMLS events this week have been Limbus and Sea farming. We did Jailer of Fortitude and Jailer of Faith and wiped to Jailer of Prudence (We've never tried it before) because our pulling strategy didn't work. Most of the Limbus drops have floored now which sucks, but we're trying to collect more Omega and Ultima pops.

Yesterday we did an ENM run with our social linkshell in Promyvion-Dem. We finally got a drop worth of some gil, a summoning earring. I also got my Dem-Silver key item for Shadows of the Departed -quest which I have to do before I can do Apocalypse Night.

A bit short post this time but I haven't really done much in game and I should be cleaning up our home right now...

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