After Sea farming we had a ZNM run, which went a lot better than last week. First we headed to Arrapago Reef again (/sigh) and we popped 2 Nuhns. This NM turned out to be extremely easy one, and we got some good drops too (3 pairs of Oracle's Pigaches from 2 pops!). When we were fighting the thing, I couldn't stop thinking the movie Big Fish (a great movie, by the way).

On Saturday I got this amazing JP party which took my BRD from level 72 to 74. The party lasted for four hours, the setup was great and all members were good players (it seemed to be a LS static). All other members were japanese but they did their best translating everything they said for me, which made me happy. It was such a cute party too, because all our melees were tarus! We had a taru DRG, taru SAM and taru NIN, sooooooo cute!

Yesterday was my busy LS event day again. First we did ENM (got a Hagun!), then Sea farming (on an area of which I had the map, yay!) and then Bahamut v. 1! The Bahamut fight was a piece of cake really, I thought it would be more difficult. Our strategy was to zerg it and it was dead in 54 seconds if I remember correctly. No one from our alliance even died. But well, I'm looking foward to Bahamut v. 2, should be more challenging.
It was funny to run across the capped area with the LS, almost everyone without any gear (should've brought my new bikini!).

After Bahamut it was time for our Dynamis run. When we were gathering, our LS leader asked me if I wanted to take some leadership tasks in the LS. I answered yes, because I was glad to be able to help the LS. I really like our Dyna LS, I think it works very well and our leader does a great job with leading our runs. So, I was made a sackholder and asked to check the applications, give pearls and post news when needed. I'm very happy that our leader felt that he could trust me with those things, and I hope I can make his job as the LS leader a bit easier by doing them.
Lately I've been thinking somewhat a lot about my role in the linkshells I'm in. In a group situation, I always tend to give people advice, even orders. I know I shouldn't do it as much as I do, but that's the way I've been used to. That's my way of trying to help the group and I always do that when I'm excited about something. I do know it can be very annoying at times and some leaders may feel like I'm trying to take their role. Also, I know I can be a real bitchy with rules and other stuff at times, so I can understand if people find me as an annoying person. So I think it's something I need to work on, to try not to become a total bitch who tries to overrule the leader every time I get excited.
1 comment:
Finally can comment without having to be a member :D
I don't know what to say really, but it's always a pleasure to have a look inside your head ^^
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