I also ended up removing a person from my friend list. The person had been on my friend list for a while (like 2 months maybe) after one party we both were in. He didn't talk to me often but every time he did, he seemed to want help with something. I really didn't enjoy being the person you only talk to when you need something, so I had been thinking about removing him from my friend list almost as long as he had been there. Well, the day before yesterday he finally crossed the line.
He had just dinged 75 on his highest job so he wanted Walahra Turban. He then realized he didn't have enough imperial gold coins, so he (logically???) decided to ask if I want to give him some.

So... First of all, I don't even know this guy! Yes, he's on my friend list, but he has only talked to me when he has needed help with something. So what makes him assume he has the right to even ask me to give him items worth of nice money? Sure, I don't mind borrowing my friends (the people I know and who also help me every once in a while) something like that, but this guy was talking about giving the coins to him and I don't even know him! He has never ever helped me with anything, or even wanted to know anything about me. Some friendship, huh?
I think the funniest part was when he said about not being able to buy the coins because he's saving gil for his (Shura) togi. This person doesn't even have Sky access! And I have three Shura abj. in my MH at the moment, waiting for me to save enough gil or points for the cursed items. But of course I should use some money for his Shura gear first, right? ...right...
Anyway, I logged out, removed him from my friend list, and logged back in. After that, I politely told him I was sorry but I felt like he was just using me to get things he wants, and that I don't like people like that being on my friend list.
On Monday we had Limbus which we won easily even though one of our two PLDs got d/c just before the last floor. We did Apoyllon, and a BRD item dropped. I got it, so I now have both items for one AF+1. I think I'll do the hands first, I just need some coins.

Yesterday was the first run of the ENM static I organized! We did a level cap 40 3 person ENM Fire in the Sky in Monarch Linn. I was a bit nervous but we won extremely easily. Our setup was RDM/BLM, BLM/WHM and BRD/WHM (me). BLM had only time to cast 2 nukes before the mob died so it was a fast win. Unfortunately nothing good dropped, but at least we now have experience with this ENM.

I also got to a merit party with my BRD. I was nervous because I had never pulled in a merit party before and I had never been to this camp (Mamool Ja staging point) with BRD. But it went surprisinly well, exp/h was around 15-20K and I pulled fast enough all the time. My highest chain was #42, then the melees didn't kill the mob fast enough (yeah, blame the melees! ^^). I still need practice with keeping all songs up and chains going, but I think I did well enough for my first merit party.
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