Saturday, 9 August 2008

Manaburn bard

Yesterday was the worst ZNM run ever! We decided to pop Experimental Lamia which pops in Caedarva Mire, but you have to go through Arrapago Reef to get to there. So, we took a lamian key, like the guide said, and went to the Arrapago Reef. The thing is, I really hate that zone. I think, everyone who plays this game has a zone they don't enjoy being in at all. For me, it's the Arrapago Reef. I mean, the place is huge, the map is confusing, there are tons of undead mobs and imps everywhere, I always get lost there... So I wasn't too surprised when some people got lost and / or died on the way through the place.

However, I was surprised when at some point we found out no one had any idea about where we were supposed to go. Finally, we found a door which seemed to take us to right place, but the problem was, we didn't have another key to open it. The guide only mentioned one so we brought one. And there we were, in the middle of Arrapago Reef, stuck at a door which might be the right one but even if it was, we had no way of opening it.

So, we farmed a key, and after some time, we even found the right way! It only took us like.... Two hours maybe? Anyway, we finally got to the mire and people were feeling very tired and annoyed and some people started to complain in /l. I felt really bad about the whole thing, because I don't like people fighting over nothing. I know this game and the people who play it seem sometimes very annoying and frustrating, but then I just try to take a deep breath and think positive. I don't see any reason to start ranting about it and make other people feel even worse than they already do.

Anyway, we go to the pop place, pop the NM, and..... guess what? We wipe! We didn't have that many people on the run and I think we all were really tired and couldn't focus, so that may be a part of the reason why it happened. Losing to this NM certainly didn't make us feel any better so we decided to call it a night. I felt really sorry for the person who lost his pop item. After the event I felt like I had just wasted hours of my time for something completely stupid. I usually don't feel that way even if events go wrong, because I try to think that we all make mistakes sometimes and we can always learn from them. But this time I didn't feel that anyone really learned anything. But anyway, I'm sure the next weeks run will go a lot better. These things happen sometimes.

Today I woke up feeling really tired. I had a really hard week, maybe a bit too hard, and I don't feel like I've recovered from it yet. I wondered if I was in a mood for playing at all, but then I asked if my husband wanted to do a BCNM run with me and he said yes. I asked a friend to come along too, and we had a great time together. We did Royal Jelly again, that's the BCNM we've been doing a lot lately. No good drops this time unfortunately, but you can't win every time.

After the BCNM, I finally helped my friend Shokun to farm Illuminink for DM pop item. He has been asking me to help him with it for a long time but I've always said no because I've been in a horrible hurry with my studies and haven't had much time to play. And when I've had time, I've wanted to spend it on something relaxing, not farming something. Anyway, we killed statues at Hall of Gods zone and it didn't take long to drop so I guess we were lucky. It was fun doing something with my friend, we haven't really played together much lately outside the LS events.

After we got the item for my friend, I decided to go lfp on my Bard. It took me a long time to find a party (!), so I spent time working on my study schedule for this autumn. I was surprised to notice that most of my lectures will be at the evening after 4PM. I'm not complaining though.

Finally, I got an invite to a manaburn party. I haven't been in a manaburn party ever, so I had no idea what was a BRD supposed to do there and what kind of EXP I would get from it. I was of course curious, so I accepted the invite. There were 2 BLM/RDM, 3 BLM/WHM and me as BRD/WHM. The only thing they wanted was double ballad, so my job with song was really easy compared to melee parties. I also pulled which was nice and easy after we found a camp with so many pops we couldn't clear them all. Exp was good and I pulled chain #5-7 the whole time. I felt really relaxed and enjoyed playing my job, so I really liked that party! I don't remember when was the last time I've been in an EXP party where I could just enjoy playing the job. I dinged 72 in that party and we disbanded 45 minutes later, so I got a nice buffer too.

When we were gathering at the camp, I noticed for the first time, that the sunset at Mount Zhayolm is really beautiful:

Also, here's a picture of our party in action:

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