Anyway, on this week I've done quite a lot in game. On Monday we had a great Limbus run. We did Apollyon S/E with 11 people, it was an easy win and we got a nice amount of coins. Also there were several drops, though half of them floored. Anyway, I can't remember when was the last time I've had such a great time doing Limbus! People seemed to be on a relaxed mood, no one complained about anything, we were joking and it was really fun.

Also, I did the biggest damage weapon skill I've done so far:

For some reason the mob got mad at me after that. ^^;
After Limbus we had an assault static run with two of our members missing. We got replacements for them from out linkshell and decided to do a Lebros Cavern PFC assault Lebros Supplies which I still hadn't done. That assault sucked more than any assault I've ever done! I mean seriously, on wiki it seemed so easy (just run from NPC to NPC avoiding aggro) but somehow we got loads and loads of aggro and people just kept dying. On the first try we lost it and I felt really horrible, because I knew no one wanted to do it and the only reason we did it was because I hadn't still done it (I was ill the last time they had done it). Well, we decided to try again, and we made it on the second try. There were still deaths though, and I felt really horrible about them. After that everyone swore they'd never ever do that assault again, me included.
On Tuesday I decided to get a bit EXP for my BRD. I got a nice merit party (the setup was a dream: RDM, BRD, NIN and 3 x SAM) and the whole colibri camp area was empty! I dinged 75 before I could say it and got a really nice buffer too. Next I'll focus on getting my PUP to 75 and gearing and meriting all my jobs like crazy.
After exping I asked if one of our linkshell members still needed help with his PLD AF weapon fight. He said yes so we decided to go do it. I had just done the fight a while ago for my husband, so I knew where it was, how it was like and so on. So I geared PUP/WHM, met my friend in Jeuno and teled us to Holla. I remembered that the mob (an elemental) had hit my husbands char very hard when he had popped it, so I told my friend he should Flash it so that it will miss him. Well, I have to say that was a horribly stupid idea. I had no idea flash would generate so much hate. So, my friend died, and I felt like a total idiot. The saddest thing was, I was PUP/WHM but I didn't have enough MP for raise and no MP gear with me... So I had to ask my husband to bring his character to raise our friend. Well, at least he got his AF weapon, even though everything went wrong.

While we were waiting for my husband to come to the rescue, I had fun playing with my BLM puppet. I haven't used it for a long time, so I had never seen it cast tier III nukes before. I decided to tease some bunnies and test them.

Yesterday I helped a new linkshell member with his Sandy rank 2 mission. I also showed him how to get to the Dunes, and we got him tele-dem and holla crystals. He seems like a great guy and I had a great time with him.

When my friend Shokun logged in, I asked him if he'd like to come farm some sea organs with me again. We spent maybe 2 or even 3 hours in Sea and this time even got some drops. When we were just talking about how we were starting to get bored with organ farming, a friend of ours who was camping Charybdis told us it had popped. So we ran to help him. We had a NIN, RDM (who wanted the joytoy), BRD (me) and WHM. Things were smooth and easy until our NIN had to go afk in the middle of the fight and he died. And then the rest of us died too... So we called some reinforcements (another NIN and a THF(?)) just in case, reraised and rested. At one point I was moving to a safer spot to rest when my sneak suddenly wore. I kept running becaue I thought I didn't get aggro. When I was next to our WHM, something smacked me hard and I died... and then it proceeded to kill the WHM too. I felt so sorry, it was such a stupid mistake from me. Anyway, when we all were gathered and unweakened, we claimed and killed it again and of course got the sword for our RDM friend. A happy ending is happy.

After the Charybdis we had to hurry to our HNMLS event. We were going to try Bahamut v. 2. The fight went really well for some time, but (in my opinion) we didn't have enough stunners and WHMs, so after a couple of Gigaflares got off, we wiped. We got him to 20% and he didn't summon anything in that time, so I think it was ok for our first try.

After failed Bahamut v. 2 we decided to do Ouryu, which went a lot better. It was a long but a fun fight, I was there as BRD and was quite busy the whole time.

Today I haven't done anything in game. Our social LS has ENM + promy run today but I left myself out of the setup because I had to do it to someone. I have limbus and assault this evening, but before that I think I'll just do something else than play.
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