I've been a bit ill for the last couple of days so I haven't really done much but played. My sister and her boyfriend were going to come to visit us this weekend but I had to cancel it. I was really looking foward to seeing them so I'm a bit sad about it.
Since I've been ill, I haven't done much anything else but played FFXI. On Wednesday I helped a LS member with his Rank 5 mission. Now all of our active members are at least Rank 5 and we can do Rank 6 together soon. I took this screenshot when we were doing the mission, meet Evy the Galka:

On Wednesday evening we had a Sea run which didn't go very well. I felt really ill and tired and found it difficult to concentrate. I guess I should've just logged out but I hate missing events (in fact, I've never missed a Dynamis run or an event of my HNMLS). Well, we killed the Ix'Aern DRG and Ix'Aern DRK and the DRK dropped the RDM cape (and only reraised once!). But when we were hunting another DRK, somehow many people got lost and died, and that's when the chaos began. I got lost and died too and for the first time ever I was told not to reraise (I was BRD/WHM) but wait for a R3. I guess our leader wants my BRD to get to 75 really bad. ^^ Well, anyway we were splitted all over The Garden of Ru'Hmet, some of us dead, and most of us didn't seem to have any idea about where to go. So our leader told us the event was over and we warped away.
The thing is, our leader said that people should've studied the maps and know how to move around. While I agree with him, I'm really horrible with all maps. I mean I can get lost in East Ronfaure, seriously! And it really isn't that easy to move around in a place of which you have no map (that's the only Sea map I don't have). I always have the map open on my laptop when I'm running around there, but it isn't that easy to try to follow someone, check my position from the in-game map which I don't have, focus things on my screen and check the map from wiki... I guess I should really get the map of that area, but it's impossible for me to solo, so I'll need to gather a group maybe.
Yesterday I decided to get my PUP a little EXP and skillups. I headed to Sky and decided to try to fight Flamingos there.

Yeah, they look all cute and pink but I'm quite sure they have some kind of hidden rage mode. At times it seemed to impossible to keep my shadows up because their attack speed just seemed crazy. But it was ok when Comedie kept Slow, Paralyze and Bio II on them most of the time. The birds checked Decent Challenge - Tough and they weren't too difficult. Exp wasn't amazing, but it was ok, and skill ups were great!

The best thing was, these birds dropped 3 coffer keys for me and I left Sky 50K richer! ^^ Hunting for coffers was fun, too, I don't know any other zone where coffers are hidden like they are in Sky.

After I got bored with exping, I asked if anyone in the LS wanted to do a BCNM run. I didn't have enough my seals for an orb myself, but I knew other people had, and I also know some of our LS members have never done BCNMs before so they might be a bit shy to organize a run even if they wanted to. So we did Royal Jelly, 3 orbs, and one of them dropped Utsu: Ni. That person is now 2/5 on those, he seems to have a very good luck. I think most of us have had a Ni drop from this BCNM (well, of course, not me), so it seems to be really worth of seals. And the best thing is, it's really easy and can be done in (almost) any setup, we haven't lost it once.
After the BCNM I decided to go to farm a bit, this time on my level 11 SAM. I had almost two hours to spend before limbus and in that time I got two levels and a nice amount of silk, beehive chips and honey. I also noticed I like SAM more than DRG, and I think that may be the job I level after I get my BRD and PUP to 75.

When we we're on our way to Limbus later, one of us got ufo aggro and we decided to kill it. First it seemed to be going really well, but then melees (me included) succeeded to get some nice links from the TP mobs and we all wiped. I really hate those things!

The Limbus itself was just epic! First of all, our puller pulled too fast leaving two of our members outside (and one of them was one of our tanks). However, anything went really well before the last floor, where the puller pulled ALL the mobs at the same time. It turned out that those gobs really didn't feel tired enough to stay asleep and we all wiped after killing some of the mobs.
So we were all dead and we didn't have much time left (we had less than 10 minutes). So we had no option but to chainspell and R1 all. When we were all up, we got the 5 minutes notice. There were 3 mobs left, so we decided to rest full HP and zerg them as weakened with our 2hr. I was sure we'd wipe again to the first Bomb Toss, but the plan seemed to work surprisingly well. In fact, we were already killing the last mob when we got the 1 minute notice. The bad thing was, at that moment, the gob decided to cast Sleepga II and we all fell asleep... My heart was beating so fast, I couldn't believe one stupid sleep spell would prevent us from winning. But you know, miracles do happen! The gob was stupid enough to use Bomb Toss soon after the sleepga, so we all woke up and succeeded to kill it and win with I-don't-want-to-think-about-how-many seconds left. Good times!
I also got the MNK item, so I now have both items for both MNK and BRD! That means I can't lot anything for a long time, but I need to save coins anyway.