For second Assault I chose Periqia PSC because I needed points there and because it was a new assault for a couple of people. Unfortunately I didn't remember how much the mission sucked. I was controlling the NPC which is the worst task in this assault, since it's almost impossible. I've done it a couple of times now and I still don't really know how to make him stop or move. And he also likes to run away every now and then so I need to be ready to catch him. I didn't even have time to answer to /tells I got during this assault (sorry, I was seriously busy).
Anyway, after that one of us had to leave and another person wanted to save his last tag for Nyzul just to be sure he'd have four for that. So we decided to go and try MMM instead. Only one of us had tried it before and he had got himself killed so we didn't really have almost any idea about the whole thing. We just gathered 5 people and decided to give it a try. Our setup for the first run was DRG (68), DRK (70), PUP (75), BLU (75) and WHM (75).

We got warped to Everbloom Hollow and found a maze full of EP crawlers and slimes. It was easy and we finished with about 10 mins left I think.

From this first run we got 30 marbles (I think) which meant we all could buy the cool eyepatch for 10 marbles!

For our second run we decided to change our setup a bit. I changed from PUP to BRD and our lowest level member changed from DRG to MNK which was 75. We got warped to Everbloom Hollow again but this time there were DC (our lowest level party member was still 70) Krakens and Coeurls. Good thing I was BRD because those thing linked badly and it was really good to have someone to sleep them.
Yesterday we also had our LS Xmas event! We gathered in Northern San-d'Oria and first we did the card exchange thing for a while. After that we went out to smack some boxes and when all had their Dream Robe and the bell key item, we went to do that quest in Southern San-d'Oria for the HQ bell.
We also did a little "secret santa" game. Everyone who wanted brought a present (worth max 1000 gil) and then we gave them to our Santa Lary (Galkas make the best santas!) who mixed them and gave to different people. I was really surprised when he traded me and I got a linkpearl! The LS was called "LesAmis" ("Friends" in english) so now I can carry my friends with me everywhere I go! ^^
Some pictures of our event:

Merry Starlight and happy New Year to all of readers!
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