After that we decided to go farm some Zeni. I wanted to get a tier III pop Armed gears (trying to get items for tier IV Tinnin). Zeni guy wanted Puks so it was easy compared to some other monsters he had wanted lately (Wamouras and Elementals). Here's a nice shot, say cheese!

The ZNM run went pretty ok at first. We did Cheese Hoarder and I was there as PUP. Last time Comedie was doing some nice nukes but this time I had a couple of merits more which meant I had Fire IV. Well, Comedie tried to cast that most of the time and it got fully resisted every time. Every time I had maneuvers up Comedie tried casting Fire IV and did very gimp damage. Then I tried without maneuvers, and then, for some weird reason, Comedie used Aero IV and it did a lot better. Is there something I don't know about? I had scanner equipped I think, and since the mob was earth based, I assumed Comedie would've tried Aero IV all the time with ice maneuver up instead of Fire IV... I also don't understand why all the Fire spells got resisted though...
Anyway, after the rat it was time for me to pop my tier III Armed Gears. We only had one PLD/NIN, but my husband was there as PLD/WAR as a backup...well at least that was how it was supposed to be. In reality, the PLD/NIN didn't seem to care at all about who had hate. BLMs were complaining about the mob hitting them and the PLD/NIN didn't even flash, which meant of course that the BLMs were going down. So my husband as PLD/WAR just had to take the role of the main kiter as the person who was supposed to do that just didn't do his job. My husband did, in my opinion, amazingly well as PLD/WAR, but he really should've had /NIN. Well, he will have it finished for our next ZNM run anyway. Anyway, we killed the first pop quite easily. I didn't want any drops from it but it dropped Oracle's Gloves which I gave to my friend Xmysticlegend.
Then we had a second pop of the same mob and all went pretty bad. BLMs were dropping like flies, the same with WHMs and PLDs. It was all chaotic... I tried to focus on keeping mages balladed (which was nearly impossible since they kept running all over the place) and PLDs and BLMs cured. I tried to give people advice in LS chat to get everyone look after each other. When we finally got the situation somewhat under control, it was too late, since an hour had passed and the mob was in rage mode. It was just impossible to kill for us, we didn't have enough damage at that point. So we decided to give up and our leader decided to call it a day.
After we had already stopped the run, a person started shouting at me in LS chat. She said I was pissing her off somehow... I was just "wtf o.O" I really didn't see it coming and was just surprised that someone suddenly went berserk on me. Well, I just told her that I was really sorry if I had offended her in some way, since I didn't mean to do that, but I'd prefer that if she had a problem with me, she'd send me a /tell and we could talk about it and solve it. Well, she didn't seem to want to talk about it really, and I honestly still don't know what was it all about (my friends didn't understand the situation either since they sent me /tells asking "wtf was that?"). I guess it's just that some people just don't like each other. I know there are some people who annoy me and I'm sure I annoy many people too. That's how life is, you can't like everyone. Most people, however, try to act like adults and get along with these people instead of shouting and trying to cause drama.
Anyway I'll just try to forget it and hope it doesn't happen again. A friend suggested that I'd just blist her but I really wouldn't want to do that to LS members. I just want to try to get along with everyone, and I hope everyone can do the same. If I annoy you, just send me a /tell and try to solve the problem. If you can't do that, just deal with it and ignore me, /blist if you want. It was a pretty good run if you don't count the wipe and someone yelling at me. Kind of sucks it happened on my husbands first longer run with the LS, because it really didn't give a good picture of the LS. I had told him that the shell had pretty good atmosphere and then he had to witness something like that... oh well.
Mmmh what else have I done in game... Right, I did a BCNM run with a couple of LS friends. All the others got bad drops and I got an Archer's ring again which kind of made me feel bad.

Yesterday we did another second wing einherjar and won again! The boss went down easily, it was a good run. Third wing on Wednesday!

And then of course we had a Dyna-Xarca run yesterday. Got some drops, including Valor Surcoat, which was very nice. Wiped on the Dynamis Lord again... but I think we really learned something this time.

Then I've also got some EXP for my DNC. Yesterday I had a short duo with my friend Toby, then we did a LS trio with Coreyz and Zaonic. Today me and my husband did a duo in Korroloka tunnel, it was very good EXP and I got a couple more levels. My DNC is now 22 and my husbands NIN is 34!

And then a totally unrelated image... I did a campaign battle some time next week and everything didn't go as I had planned:

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