Anyway, we tried that new Fields of Valor thing with a couple of LS members. We decided to go as a party and level synced to 22. We checked the level recommendations and didn't realize they were for soloers, not parties of 4 people, so we chose to go to Valkurm Dunes. We took the hardest mission available there: we needed to kill 4 sheep and 4 damselflies.

For a group of four, the EXP wasn't of course as good as it could've been, but at least we figured the system out and two of us got levels! One of us had to go and then we moved to Jugner Forest and chose to kill funguars and tigers there. It was fun and easy and I got 3 levels while we were there!
Today I decided to continue exping my DNC in FoV. My DNC was level 28, so I chose Qufim Island mission 4: level recommendation 28-30, 6 gigas and 4 pugils. The mobs were all EM or T for me so it was really nice EXP. Every time I got those 10 mobs killed, I got 735 extra EXP and gil. I was soon level 30 so I've got 5 levels in the last two days just with FoV! I think I'll take my DNC all the way to 37 like that.
FoV makes at least soloing and duoing so much easier and more fun! The system really gave me motivation to EXP my subs. It's so nice that I can just take OP, choose mission and then get all those nice buffs without spending any gil! For example today when I was exping my DNC, I had free reraise, protect, regen and attack food on the whole time. It's a really great addition to the game, thank you SE!
Yesterday we also did a couple of Assaults: Mamool ja Training Grounds PFC and Periqia PFC. It's weird that no one else but me ever wants to do assaults in certain zone, everyone just says "I don't care, I can do anything". I know I need certain points to get some pieces of gear I want but I feel bad if I make everyone else spam the same missions all over again...

Anyway, those assaults we did yesterday got me the promotion to Second Lieutenant! I can't believe I'm only two ranks away from Captain now... Well, two ranks and a million Assaults I haven't done.

After those assaults a LS member Lary asked if we could help him to get Destroyers from Double Dragonian BCNM. The assault party agreed to help and some of us got orbs too. I remember when we tried to get my Destroyers it took us 8 orbs so I wasn't too confident we could get them for Lary with our 4 orbs. But well, Larys orb was first and Destroyers dropped! Then on the next orb they dropped again and on the last orb again... They only didn't drop on my orb, which means that I just have a horrible luck with that weapon I guess.

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