Last Saturday we did ZM5-ZM13 to get Sky for people in our LS. We did the missions in about 5 hours I think, the fights were easy but we lost some time because of aggros in Ifrit's Cauldron. Anyway, everyone but one person who had to leave early got Sky. Was a long way but it was fun!

I feel a bit guilty because I've neglected my chocobo lately... WildRhapsody is an adult now, and has a bit weird color maybe (?): she's yellow but has brown on tips of her feathers. She also has a huge beak which makes her look a bit funny. Anyway, I finally got her to learn Treasure Finder today!

Since me and my husband had our second wedding anniversary yesterday, I'll end this post with a random screenshot of us. Here he is hiding behind me, can you see how short the tarus are, even compared to small elvaans? ^^

I think you got a "yellow/red" choco, as I think i've read somewhere that choco has two colors, other appearing at the beak and tips of feathers, and other is the dominant color.
Thank you for your comment. I think you're right about the color, but I haven't read about that kind of possibility from anywhere and I've never seen a choco with this kind of color...
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