Monday, 24 November 2008

I'm free!

Yesterday I left my "HNMLS" Europa. It's kind of hard to explain why I did it. First of all, I've not had fun in LS events for a while now. I've always been in a bad mood during those events, even my husband has noticed that. So that's the main reason I guess. I don't know why it hasn't been fun for me anymore. It just hasn't. For me, the atmosphere hasn't been very nice lately and I just haven't enjoyed my time spent in LS. That isn't anyones fault, it's just the way it is.

And then yesterday there happened two things which kind of made me do the final decision. First of all, in the beginning of our event, Xolotl was up. We have several people with Xol drops on their wish list (myself included). However, our leader decided we won't kill it. So, for me (and this is just my side of the story, I don't really know his) it just felt like he didn't bother with our wishes. Which got me thinking that why am I in that LS if the group doesn't care about my wishes. Of course I'm not saying it's so simple or that our leaders really think like that, but that's the feeling I got.

The second thing that happened yesterday was a disagreement between me and our LS leader. The thing is, I actually like camping NMs. I don't know why, but I do. That was one of the reasons why I joined Europa in the first place. But at the moment, Europa doesn't camp NMs. At all. So, I asked our leader if I can camp them on my own time with my friends then. He said no. I asked why. He said because it's in our rules. Well, we have also in our rules that we will camp Kings while their window is on our event time, but we won't do that either. I thought these two rules would go together: we can't camp HNMs on our own time because that would be a conflict of interest and could harm our linkshell. But because we don't camp them with LS, there is no conflict. No harm for linkshell. So for me, this just makes no sense. I can't camp these NMs in our LS, but I can't camp them outside the LS either.

So, our LS leader said that if I want to camp them, I will need to leave the LS. That really made me do the final decision. I have nothing agains the LS, the people in LS or the LS leader. I just didn't agree with the rules, didn't agree with being told I can't do what I want on my own game time (when it didn't harm the LS in any way) and lately I didn't enjoy the time I spent in LS events. These things together made me realize it was time for me to leave.

During my time in Europa, I experienced a lot of new things. I fought some NMs I've never tried before, got sea and did some ENMs and KSNMs I've never done before. I learned a lot and for that I'm thankful. I also met new people, and some of them became people I can call my friends. I will miss doing events with these people, I kind of miss it already.

I think I've said all I wanted to say. Explained why I left and said thank you for the time I've spend there. And please remember, the feelings and thoughts I've written here are just my side of the story, just my personal experience, nothing more or less.


Buttons said...

Yay, now you have more time for our social LS Evy. :D
Enjoy your stressfree endgame-break then and have a nice week and say hi to Tahvo. ^_^

Anonymous said...

I was thinking the same thing. Besides, what is the point in doing stuff if you don't enjoy it.

I'll be on tonight if you care to have fun, stress is optional :)

Neria said...

I think you did the right decision. ^^ The game is supposed to be fun, after all. Games are meant to be a refreshing way to forget reality for a change and enjoy some stress-free fun. They're not supposed to feel like a second job. :D

I've found that my relationship with the game is a lot less stormy now that I decided that I wouldn't do anything I don't want to / feel like doing. Since really, what's the point in doing something you don't wanna do in a fecking game. :D

It's not a job, not even a hobby to most, just a game. ^^

Neria said...

Oh, and since you were talking about the Shair Manteel earlier, I say just scratch that. :D It's a luxury item onry. The difference to the FREE Yigit is marginal at best. And if you don't have it already, let's do some assaults together and get ourselves some Yigit-body goodness. ^^

Evyen said...

Thanks for your comments and support guys! <3