PUP, on the other hand, has to pay for every job ability the automaton learns. Stoneskin (Shock Absorber) costs 10K at the moment on our server, Flash (Flasbulb) and Convert (Mana Converter) are also around 10K and so on. Some of those attachments are quite easy to get, and they don't cost as much as the rarest ones.
You can, of course, play PUP without getting the best (and usually also the rarest and most expensive) attachments, just like you can play any other job without having the best gear available. But, I, as a player, usually want the best gear (well, not including the seriously too expensive stuff like relic weapons and so on), and I also want the best attachments for my automaton.
So yeah, I don't want to skip the opportunity to get a nice amount of MP back every three minutes for my automaton. I've wanted to get this attachment for a while now, but there has never been one in AH when I've checked. Well, today I checked AH again, and to my surprise, there were two of them! I was excited, hoping that because there were two, they would be cheaper than usual.

But, because people never undercut things I want to buy, I ended up paying 550,000 gil for it. No, that's not a typo. I did pay over half a million gil for an automaton attachment.
After dying a little inside because I had just spent so much gil, I decided to go do a bit Besieged with my husband. Because Comedies automaton archery is now capped and I wanted to try my new attachment, I decided to go with the BLM frame. There was a double Besieged, and in the end of the second one, my automatons magic skill was 0.1 levels from the cap. So we went out to kill a few colibris and spiders and Comedie finally got the last 0.1 skillup!

Archery and magic done, only melee to go!
Oooo, and I almost forgot, I got something very nice for myself from Dynamis-San d'Oria yesterday:

Now I'm only missing the hat (which isn't really good for anything else than moving from a campaign battle to another or something like that) and the cape (which is pure hotness).
I also did a few synths today and got my Goldsmithing to level 45! That means I won't get skillups from Reraise earrings anymore, so I need to find another profitable synth for skilling up. I can still make money with them, though, so it doesn't matter that much.
You do know that economizer (along with the rest of the crazy 8) come from the lv60 ENM "Pulling the Strings" right? Its not a great drop rate, but if you do the fight consistently, you'll get it.
Not to mention the ENM drops some other high price attachments. If you stick to a schedule you can easily make some serious gil off it.
As Dantaro mentions you can get them from ENMs and also by doing Ashu Talif runs, but if you're like me you'll end up buying most of the ones that you'd have to make a group to get.
I remember banking quite heavily off of the first few high profile attachments I got from "Pulling the Strings". When Attuner was going on the AH for 600k I advertised through FFXIAH and found a few people to buy them without even having to pay the AH fee. It's a double edged sword. I ended up buying Economizer for around the same price, but it's very much worth it.
Thank you for your comments! Yes, I do know you can get it from the ENM, but I've never got anything good from there myself. :( Maybe I could start doing it again though, to try to make some gil.
I've never tried Ashi Talif though, but I'd consider it unfair if I dragged a party of friends there and then lotted the most expensive drops myself. ;)
Of course there are other ways to get attachments than just bying them, and my original plan was to do ENM as much as possible to get the most expensive ones that drop from there. But unfortunately, I was very unlucky with the drops and got bored.
I just remembered the ZNM Ob drops quite a few of the high profile ones as well. http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/wiki/Ob You might be able to get help with this one from people who need the trophy from this guy.
The difficulty of obtaining some of these items and some of the cooler gear available to PUP always dredges up the old dream of a PUP events LS. Lots of the stuff that is hard for us to get our hands on would be way easier to get with a dedicated group of people all helping each other get the same thing.
On Cerberus, there was a PUP only LS called PuppetShow that lasted for quite a bit, but it sort of fizzled out after everyone got their Pahluwan Khazagands and the leader stopped playing due to IRL problems. I have a lot of good memories and always wish they were still around when I look at some of the gear I want but will not likely get any time soon. :/
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