I've never really wanted to lead Dynamis and if I started an end game LS it certainly wouldn't be a Dynamis LS. But well, as I had previously lead a couple of runs and done setups and points for the LS, I didn't mind taking the job. Also, I suggested a person to be responsible for pulls and moving camp and another person to be responsible for BLM strategies, so I wouldn't be the only person leading the run and taking responsibility.
Yesterday was the first run without our leader. We were supposed to do Dynamis-San d'oria but a half an hour before we were supposed to enter, a group of six (!) entered the zone. I contacted their leader asking which Dynamis Calendar are they using (the answer was none...) and how long they would be in the zone (the answer was they don't know...) Our LS has never had problems with other groups since we have always been using Dynamis calendar and been in contact with other groups. But well, what can you really do when there's a 6 person group willing to take any zone they want not caring about LS which has scheduled this run with other linkshells?
So my first Dynamis run with me as a leader didn't start so well... I tried to talk with the group to find a solution but I didn't get any information out of them and finally I just decided to change our run to Bastok which was free. I was actually surprised how fast we got everyone to move from Sandy to Bastok, and we entered Dynamis only 10 minutes late.
The run itself went mostly really well. We got 13 pieces of gear and 6 wootz ores. Mobs went down fast and our setup seemed to work. The only big problems came when we were ready to pull the boss. The thing is, I had been so nervous about being leader for the first time and having to change the run so fast that I didn't check any info about the boss in that zone. So when we did our first sacpull to get the boss, our PLD who was bringing the boss to camp got bound... and we weren't ready for it. Long story short, we wiped and proceeded to second try.
On the second try we got a WHM and another PLD ready to support with pulling... Except that time the boss opened with casting Death on first PLD and the second PLD somehow failed to get the boss. Which meant we didn't get the boss again, ran out of time and had to exit the zone without win.
It was quite a bad ending for an otherwise good run. I blamed myself for not making sure we were well prepared for the boss and all the PLDs blamed themselves for not pulling the boss to camp... Anyway, in my opinion, it wasn't really anyones fault, it was just a moment of unthoughtfulness and bad preparation.
Other than dynamis, I've been doing somewhat a lot. Maybe too much. I'm starting to feel I'm too busy with all my FFXI events to focus on my studies well enough and that's definitely a bad sign. At the moment my schedule is this:
Monday: Free!
Tuesday: Assault, Salvage
Wednesday: Einherjar
Thursday: Free!
Friday: ZNM
Saturday: Nyzul Isle, Salvage
Sunday: Einherjar, Dynamis
So I only have two days a week free from events which really isn't enough for me at the moment. Nyzul Isle is my absolutely favourite event at the moment, I have so much fun there every time! Dynamis is also fun and there's a lot of gear I want from there, so I'm not thinking about quitting that any time soon. Then there's Salvage which is fun and doesn't really take that much time, and Assault which I need to do to be able to do Salvage and to get some gear. That leaves me with ZNM and Einherjar. Our ZNM group is nice but it takes a lot of time to farm zeni for pops and quitting ZNM would leave my Friday completely free from events. Einherjar, well... I don't really know why I'm doing it. So if I'll quit something, Einherjar will most likely be the first thing.
Talking about Einherjar, we finally won the Wing 3 yesterday! It was quite an easy chamber with Hydra boss and we won with 5 minutes left! Odin next week!

In Salvage, we've had two runs now, both in Zhayolm Remnants. Our goal has been to unlock 3 members fully to be able to pop the Porroggo NM in 5th floor and on the second try we were able to do it! The problem was, we didn't get the NM down... We were so busy to attack it that we didn't really even think of a strategy. Well, I'm sure it will go better next time.

In Nyzul Isle, I've had to make some difficult decisions about our setup. A while ago we took two new members to our static, which meant we needed to start all over from floor 1 for them. Then, on what was supposed to be their second run, one of them didn't show up, not sending any message... Not hearing from him for a week, I decided to replace him with yet another person (which of course meant starting AGAIN from floor 1)... and of course, after I had replaced the said person, he sent me a /tell asking if he's still in the static and explaining that he had had some credit card issues and he's POL account had been deactivated.
The thing is, he could still have sent me a message on our forums or something, but he didn't. So I said I'm sorry but I had already replaced him, and that I couldn't expect my static members to do the same floors all over again just for him if he didn't even bother to contact us in case he couldn't attend a run. It was a bit harsh from me, but well, I had to make the decision as the leader of the static. Anyway, I'm quite happy with our current setup. Everyone is at least on floor 10 and we've had two successful floor 20 boss runs (no drops though). On Saturday we had our best run so far: we managed to climb 5 floors up on every tag, getting from floor 1 to 20 and killing Fafnir!

1 comment:
I'm still amazed by that last Nyzul run you guys had. :D I mean, I've seen some lucky floors but you guys seem to see lucky tags. xDD
I just don't get it... It's not the first time other people in our shell do really well in Nyzul either. I do realize a big part of Nyzul is luck, but maybe I'm a bad luck charm. :DD
Oh, and btw you did great in Dyna. ^^ The ending was just a little unprepared maybe, but everything else went nice and smooth. :) Let's hope we get as many relics from other zones too. ^^
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