That got me thinking about my current BRD gear and how I'd like to make it better. This is what I use now...

For Elegy.

For Finale and Cures when /WHM. Will update to Apollo's at some point.

For all other songs.

I am thinking about getting Earth Grip for Elegy and Light Grip for Finale.
Head, neck and ears

It's pretty and good.

This is the best neck piece for BRD I think?

Not much to say about earrings... <3 them
Body, hands, rings

I love it! Love it love it love it!

My first and only upgraded AF piece. Totally hot!

This was the first item I got from Einherjar.

The latent is pure hotness! Got this from a solo BCNM ages ago, lucky me!

This is for situations where I can't be on yellow HP or when I really need that extra 2 CHR.
Back, waist, legs, feet

The piece I really want for this slot is Astute cape, but as I don't do Sea at the moment, this will do for now.


These will be upgraded to +1 when I get my Limbo group going somewhere in the future.

Probably the best feet piece for BRD at the moment.
My Bard isn't really amazingly pimp, but I've worked hard for every piece of gear and I'm currently quite satisfied with the gear I have. Next I'll be working for my yellow HP macro, I think Zenith gear is a good way to start (well, because I need an excuse to do Sky...)
Light/Apollo's for Lullaby too~
Yes, you are right of course, just completely forgot about it. ^^
...But seriously, that's pretty nice gear overall, grats on the Yigit! :3 I see it useful when pulling (tho I don't really pull, so there goes the point for me xD), but would swap back to lolerrant or whatever for the debuffs since it's 'just' -castingtime. :D Then again I'm so lazy I won't prolly even get Yigit any day soon, so that's one less gearswap for me. xD
You hot BRD you! :< *envy* Where r my pimp-earrings & AF+1 ;;
Your BRD is so hot QQ Maybe I should level it as well so we can look pretty together and have some mazurka fun while running away from sum Stonega IVs <3 I would have most of the gear already too! Not counting Main/Sub/Instruments/Head/Neck/Body/Hands/Rings/Back/Waist/Legs/Feet >_>
Aww Mal, I'm always ready for some Mazurka fun with you dear. <3
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