BLM party: BLM/WHM x 5 + BRD/WHM
Melee party (erm trio): WHM/SMN, WAR/NIN, MNK/NIN
We kited it when it was on 2 feet and straight tanked when it was on 4 feet. Our BLMs used only tier III and IV for the first 75%. Our WAR voked the gunbods and we had two BLM casting tier IV to kill them. Since it was our first try, we didn't farm the pods.
For the last 25% after the last gunpod was dead our RDM/DRK used CS+Stun, PLD used Invincible, melees used 2hr and BLMs started to cast AM. We killed it with plenty of time to spare and got hands and head as drops. Congratulations guys!

I'm so proud of our little group, everyone played so well and did excatly as they were told to do! There weren't any problems and only one BLM died. Good job guys, I love you all! <3
You actually don't need to kite it at all. The tanks should be able to properly handle it in all forms.
Yeah I know, and we discussed about straight tanking all forms. But I was really really nervous about the fight since most of our members had never done it and our tanks had never tanked it. So I wanted to go with partial kiting, assuming it would be safer.
Congrats! That first Omega kill is always nice! Once your people get used to it, it will get that much better and more fun!
Thank you, vedderffxi! Yes, I hope that we don't have to stress so much about Omega fights in the future, now that we know that we can kill it easily. ^^
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